Догляд за пацієнтами та методи медичних маніпуляцій у педіатрії = Patient Care and Techniques for Medical Manipulations in Pediatrics
Догляд за пацієнтами та методи медичних маніпуляцій у педіатрії (2-ге видання, стереотипне) // Patient Care and Techniques for Medical Manipulations in Pediatrics: Study Guide for Medical Students of Higher Education Institutions of III-IV Accreditation Levels / S.I. Ilchenko, O.S. Koreniuk, T.V. Yaroshevska et al. – Dnipro: Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy, – Lviv, Publisher «Novyi Svit – 2000», 2024. – 240 p.
ISBN 978-617-7519-85-9
The study guide is intended for studying the disciplines “Nursing practice” and “Patient care in a pediatric hospital.” The training manual presents the program of practice, methodological recommendations for conducting practical classes, professional skills of medical staff. The section of the theoretical block contains material for preparing for practical classes. The proposed training manual contains sets of test tasks and situational tasks necessary for preparation and self-control.
The study guide is recommended for students of the ІІ and ІІІ courses of medical faculties of universities.
Зав.каф., проф., д.м.н. Ільченко С.І., доц., к.м.н. Коренюк О.С., доц., к.м.н. Ярошевська Т.В., доц., к.м.н. Мишина Н.В, проф., д.м.н. Чергінець В.І., доц., к.м.н. Фіалковська А.О., ас., Скрябіна К.В., ас., к.м.н. Єфанова А.О., к.м.н. Крамаренко Н.М., ас., Жукова Л.А.
Head of Department., Prof., MD Ilchenko S.I., Ass. Prof., PhD Korenyuk E.S., Ass. Prof., PhD Yaroshevska T.V., Ass. Prof., PhD Mishina N.V., Prof., MD Cherginets V.I., Ass., Ph.D Fialkovska A.A., Ass.Skriabina K.V., Ass., PhD. Efanova A.A., Ass., Ph.D. Kramarenko N.N., Ass. Zhukova L.A.