Гроші та кредит: навчальний посібник // Money and Credit. Tutorial
Гроші та кредит: навчальний посібник / Ярошевич Н.Б., Кондрат І.Ю. // Yaroshevych N. & Kondrat I. (2025) Money and Credit. Tutorial. Novij Svit – 2000, Lviv. 146 p.
ISBN 978 – 966 – 418 – 453 –0
Друк на вимогу, поточним роком (Print on demand, POD) – 240,00 грн.
Форма: друкована книга (видання) 146 с. (чорно-білі)
Формат: 60х84/16
Обкладинка: м’яка
Мова: англійська
The tutorial highlights the essence of money, money turnover, cash flows, monetary systems, inflation, currencies, credit; forms and types of credit; forms of non-cash payments; instruments of monetary policy; types, causes, methods of inflation regulation; structure of the banking system of Ukraine; basics of functioning of the money, currency, stock markets; international financial and credit organizations and forms of their cooperation with Ukraine.
The tutorial is recommended for students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions, postgraduate students, teachers, researchers and practitioners.