
Управління ризиками: навчальний посібник у групі міжнародних авторів // Risk management: studying manual in the group of international authors

Вер 07, 2024

Управління ризиками: навчальний посібник у групі міжнародних авторів // Risk management: studying manual in the group of international authors [Manual for higher education applicants in specialties 054 – Sociology, 281 – Public Administration and Governance]. Lviv: publishing house «Novyi Svit – 2000», 2024. 142 p.

ISBN 978 – 966 – 418 – 442 – 4

Друк на вимогу (Print on demand, POD)
Форма: друкована книга (видання) 142 с. (чорно-білі)
Формат: 60х84/16 – 250,00 грн.
Обкладинка: м’яка
Мова: англійська

The content of the manual contributes to students’ formation of coherent and logically consistent system of knowledge about the theory and practice of risk management. The manual reveals the dependence of the effectiveness and performance of organizational activities on the level of theoretical knowledge of the management subject concerning the content and practice of implementing risk minimization mechanisms, as well as the ability to use them within the risk management system.
The manual is designed for students studying the speciality specialties 054 – Sociology, 281 – Public Administration and Governance of both full-time and part-time education.