Регулювання інвестиційної діяльності великих корпоративних структур в умовах тривалої війни: монографія // Regulation investment activities of large corporate structures in the conditions of prolonged war: Monograph
Регулювання інвестиційної діяльності великих корпоративних структур в умовах тривалої війни: монографія // Regulation investment activities of large corporate structures in the conditions of prolonged war: Monograph – Lviv: «Novyi Svit-2020» Publishing House, 2024 – 176 p.
ISBN 978 – 966 – 418 – 458 – 5
Друк на вимогу (Print on demand, POD)
Форма: друкована книга (видання) 176 с. (чорно-білі)
Формат: 60х84/16 – 285,00 грн.
Обкладинка: м’яка
Мова: українська
The monograph describes the theoretical and methodological principles of regulation of investment activities of large corporate structures in the conditions of a long-term war. The main provisions of the regulation of investment activity, the peculiarities of the organization of investment activity in the corporate sector and the mechanism for assessing the macroeconomic impact of the corporate sector on the process of financing investment and innovation activities are shown.
The monograph can be recommended to researchers, graduate students, entrepreneurs, managers, professionals and all those who are interested in the problems of investment activities of the enterprise in the concession, in particular the evaluation of its economic efficiency.