Вектор післявоєнного відновлення підприємств: від подолання кризи до інноваційного розвитку: монографія // The Vector of the Post-War Recovery of Enterprises: from Overcoming the Crisis to Innovative Development: monograph
Вектор післявоєнного відновлення підприємств: від подолання кризи до інноваційного розвитку: монографія // The Vector of the Post-War Recovery of Enterprises: from Overcoming the Crisis to Innovative Development: monograph / I. I. Lashchyk, N. V. Moroz, L. P. Bondarenko, O. O. Kots. – Lviv : ” New World – 2000″ Publishing House , 2024. – 202p.
ISBN 978 – 966 – 418 – 446 – 2
Друк на вимогу (Print on demand, POD) – 300,00 грн.
Форма: друкована книга (видання) 202 с. (чорно-білі)
Формат: 60х84/16
Обкладинка: м’яка
Мова: англійська
The monograph examines various aspects of the recovery of enterprises after the crisis, starting from the stage of overcoming difficulties and ending with innovative development. The study of this vector will provide an opportunity to better understand the key aspects of strategic management that help enterprises move from a state of recovery to active innovative development.
The key stages of the formation of the vector of the post-war recovery of enterprises are proposed in the monograph. The study notes that such recovery should begin with overcoming the crisis, that is, anti-crisis management of the enterprise, continue with financial recovery and the formation of a stable financial position of the enterprise. After completing these steps, enterprises are recommended to consider the possibilities of forming integrated business structures and focus on innovative development. In the first chapter of the monograph, questions related to the definition of the concept of “anti-crisis management of the enterprise”, its factors, principles and sequence of implementation are highlighted. The second section is devoted to the study of the financial stability of enterprises of Ukraine in the process of their financial recovery. The third section examines the problems and priorities of the integration of domestic business structures of various types of economic activity in the post-war period. The fourth chapter reveals the principles of innovative development of enterprises in the post-war period.
The monograph can be recommended to researchers, graduate students, entrepreneurs, managers, specialists and all those who are interested in the problems of innovative development of enterprises.